New Albums

Del Tambor A La Conga

Del Tambor A La Conga

7,90 $

(0,79 $ each song)

Publish Date - 20 ліст 2009
© Egrem

Catalogued as some of the most engaging musicians and dancers from Havana's neighborhoods, Rumberos de Cuba is one of the island's top folkloric groups, dedicated to preserve the Rumba, one of Cuba's richest cultural expressions. They have a new CD out: "Del tambor a la conga", which is a pleasant voyage through several rhythms of the Cuban music: chants and beatings of drums dedicated to the Orishas of the Yoruba pantheon; the Abakua roots; guaguanco, columbia and yambu from the complex of the Rumba; the "chancleta" dance and the exuberant Conga Cubana.