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Ulises Hernández

Ulises Hernández


Pianist and composer.

Ulises Hernández began his studies at the Provincial School of Art, in Matanzas, and concluded the elementary level under the guidance of professor Andrea Mesa. He continued his middle-level education at the National School of Art in Havana with professor Jorge Gómez Labraña. In 1982, he concluded his higher education at the School of Music from the Higher Institute of Art, under the leadership of Frank Fernández, an eminent professor and pianist.

Later on, he made master and post-graduated courses with Frantisek Rauch, in Prague; with Elianne Richepin, in France; and with Teresita Junco, in Havana.

Since early in the 1980s, Ulises Hernández has embarked on an arduous and fruitful teaching task for ten years as Professor and Head of the Piano Faculty at the "Ignacio Cervantes" Conservatory in Havana first, and then as Professor of Accompaniment of the Piano Faculty at the Higher Institute of Art. During the 1990s, he was Piano Professor at the National School of Music.

He has offered concerts in several halls in Europe and Latin America. Since 1987 he became an outstanding music composer for both the theater and the movie and has received the highest awards in these fields.

This virtuoso artist has won many awards at the most demanding and prestigious piano events in the world at large.

In 1978, he received the Award for Best Interpretation of a Compulsory Work at the Piano Contest sponsored by the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC). During 1981 and 1982, he won at the Piano Contests held by the Higher Institute of Art and, in 1984, he was granted the Distinction from the Venice Commune.

During the 1990s, Ulises Hernández was granted the Coral Award at the 13th International Festival of the New Latin American Cinema for the film entitled "Sed", the UNEAC Caracol Award for his music composed for "Pon tu pensamiento en mi" and the 1999 Cubadisco Award on the Chamber Music category with his CD "Cervantes Cuatro Pianos" by the Cuban BIS Music label.

In 1999, he was decorated with the "National Culture Order of the Republic of Cuba".